Boiling hot midweek jog

I didn’t make it to the planned 6 miles, but given that it was about 30º with blazing sunshine, and I was out until 2am the previous night drinking a gin and tonic or seven, I’m pretty pleased with the effort!

17:46 min/mi-45 ft
28:51 min/mi33 ft
39:25 min/mi-25 ft
49:46 min/mi15 ft
0.29:49 min/mi22 ft
Lap Time Distance Pace
Total 37:23 4.2 mi 8:59 min/mi
1 8:05 1.04 mi 7:46 min/mi
2 9:48 1.09 mi 8:57 min/mi
3 4:10 0.45 mi 9:10 min/mi
4 4:58 0.52 mi 9:36 min/mi
5 :03 0.01 mi 7:58 min/mi
6 10:16 1.04 mi 9:52 min/mi

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