Treadmill tempo sweat fest 😓
(18, 12, 10 mins @ LT)

Couldn’t be bothered working out what is/isn’t flooded and/or muddy, and was also feeling a bit tired, so figured the controlled environment of a treadmill would be the best way to get a decent run in. Footpod was possibly a touch generous on the efforts, but then again who knows how accurate the treadmill is. Regardless, 40 minutes of hard work, which I’m pretty sure I’d have struggled to manage outside today. It’s all about knowing when to pick your battles! 👍

17:37 min/mi1523 ft
27:30 min/mi1550 ft
37:17 min/mi1620 ft
46:05 min/mi1700 ft
56:06 min/mi1490 ft
66:07 min/mi1430 ft
77:29 min/mi1610 ft
86:09 min/mi1730 ft
96:56 min/mi1730 ft
106:40 min/mi1780 ft
116:24 min/mi1810 ft
127:38 min/mi1690 ft
137:35 min/mi1650 ft
0.27:43 min/mi1620 ft
Lap Time Distance PaceHR
Total 1:31:07 13.2 mi 6:54 min/mi164
1 26:10 3.02 mi 8:40 min/mi156
2 18:18 3.00 mi 6:06 min/mi154
3 6:17 0.63 mi 9:59 min/mi156
4 12:19 2.00 mi 6:09 min/mi176
5 6:50 0.63 mi 10:49 min/mi168
6 10:02 1.63 mi 6:10 min/mi183
7 6:14 0.64 mi 9:46 min/mi168
8 12:21 1.63 mi 7:35 min/mi165

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