Wet and breezy Pitchcroft tempo
(7 mi @ LT)

Was hoping for a slightly faster time for the LT section, but it was a bit breezy and my legs weren’t quite up for it. Nonetheless I’m pleased I stuck it out, and actually I’m pretty much on the “adjusted” Daniels’ LT pace for a 7 mile run, so not as bad as I first thought. Although it seems crazy I managed 10 seconds a mile faster for 13.1 a few weeks ago! The magic of races and tapering I guess.

Also – HR totally screwy. It was quite cold and my hands were going numb, so I think lack of circulation caused the OHR to struggle. Hopefully one day I can run 6:30/mi at 135 BPM though… 😉

17:53 min/mi147-63 ft
27:40 min/mi1554 ft
37:25 min/mi1576 ft
46:25 min/mi162-6 ft
56:34 min/mi1546 ft
66:33 min/mi139-6 ft
76:38 min/mi1396 ft
86:38 min/mi137-6 ft
96:33 min/mi1366 ft
106:34 min/mi138-6 ft
117:36 min/mi1365 ft
127:26 min/mi12916 ft
Lap Time Distance PaceHR
Total 1:24:20 12.0 mi 7:00 min/mi144
1 22:45 2.95 mi 7:42 min/mi153
2 45:56 7.01 mi 6:32 min/mi144
3 15:39 2.08 mi 7:31 min/mi132

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