Had a bit of a stitch for the final two intervals, which slowed me down a bit, but fairly pleased with managing a pretty fast pace in rather warm weather.
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1k intervals at sub 8 min/mile
After a few weeks building up the mileage in my legs following the knee injury, I felt it was time to aim for some speed today so did some 1km intervals at my former 10K pace. It felt good to run at a decent speed again, and I coped fine with the intervals. I’m still a bit paranoid about my knee so out of caution (and a threatening looking cloud I’ll be honest!) stopped after four miles, but fingers crossed all seems fine and I plan to aim for a longer session on Thursday. Overall though I’m pretty pleased with my first speed session in a while.
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Intervals (10K W5 R3)
Intervals (10K W3 R4)
Interval run (10K W3 R2)
Intervals (10K W2 R4)
Intervals (10K W2 R2)
A while since I last updated! After coming off the C25K plan and just running as I pleased three times[…]
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