
Poor tempo attempt
(3 mi @ ~7:28 pace)
Cold weather, tired legs and no breakfast all conspired to make this tough work. I try not to do tempo runs in the morning, but didn’t have any choice today. Should have been six miles, but felt spent at three so dropped the pace back.
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Chilly tempo run
(5 mi @ ~7:48 pace)
Tempo pace still rubbish – not sure if it’s lack of intervals, the high mileage, or the very cold weather. Will keep plugging away and hopefully all this mileage will eventually start to pay off!
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Tempo run (5 mi @ ~7:33 pace)
Still not hitting the paces I was managing at the end of November, but today’s run felt much more controlled than the last few tempo runs I’ve done. Given this was five miles at tempo, net uphill and with a bit of wind against me not too bad I guess. Improvement at least.
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Tempo run (4 mi @ ~7:28 pace)

Tempo run (4 mi @ ~7:29 pace)
Day one of marathon training! I will be following the Pete Pfitzinger 18 week, 55-70 mile per week plan from Advanced Marathoning. Six runs per week, and >50 miles per week for the next 16 weeks – bring it on!
It certainly throws you in at the deep end – first run is four miles at tempo. Didn’t go particularly well unfortunately. I was running in to the wind, and of course my usual route home is net uphill, but my heart rate was also high compared to how the effort felt. Even during the warm up it shot up much higher than usual, and the pace was very disappointing. The air was very cold and my breathing felt a little short, so perhaps that did it.
Strange as I felt fine in myself beforehand. I decided to just stick with an effort that felt sustainable, and I’m just going to write it off as “one of those runs”. Not the best start to my marathon campaign, but plenty more runs to make up for it…
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Tempo down on the track
(4 mi @ ~7:04 pace)

Tempo Run (4 mi @ ~6:54 pace)
Nice to run along the flat paths by the Severn in Worcester for a change. Pleased with the pace for this, lots of easy running and six runs a week seems to be agreeing with me!
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Tempo run (4 miles @ ~7:15 pace)
Much better than last week – lower HR and faster pace despite miserable weather.
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Tempo run (3 miles @ ~7:32 pace)
First tempo run in a while. Legs felt pretty fresh given this is my fourth run in a row. Pace was slower than I’d have liked for the heart rate though – definitely seem to have lost a little fitness.
Not too worried about that at the moment though – main thing is the legs are still feeling good. Let’s see if that’s still the case after two more runs this weekend!
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