Medium-long run down to the City

Felt like really hard work this morning! Legs tired from last night’s medium-long run, and body maybe lacking in energy having had no breakfast. Still, I suppose that is the point of these longer midweek runs.

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Medium-long run down to Regent’s Park

Had a slight chesty cough yesterday, and given the very cold, wet weather decided it was probably best to take an extra rest day rather than risk making the cough worse.

Felt much better today, so went ahead with the longest of my “medium-long” runs for this week. Back to the hills of North London so bit slower pace. Legs a little tired towards the end but generally all good.

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Recovery run around Worcester

Garmin totally refused to find a satalite lock tonight, so after a lot of waiting around and a reset I gave up and ran anyway. Impressed with the accuracy of the built-in accelerometer – took a similar route to Thursday and distances are within 0.1 miles of each other.

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